Everything about paper, bookbinding, news flashes, creative ideas, a bit private and much more…
Everything about paper, bookbinding, news flashes, creative ideas, a bit private and much more…
2 Sep 2013
Tag: Om het huis
All of a sudden you feel like you're in a rural area (actually it is in the Randstad just around the corner where we live).
We have the good fortune of living next to one of the most beautiful places in Leiderdorp, park De Houtkamp.
It often happens that for my lunch break I take my lunch sandwich and head over to my favorite bench in the Heemtuin.
The same park I often visit with Guusje. It's lovely to see all the seasonal changes. De Houtkamp is a park with a botanical garden (de Heemtuin), a large pond, a petting zoo and two "secret" spots with huge blackberry bushes.
Last week I had taken Guusje already twice to this place and filled our bucket with blackberries, but this weekend was the grand finale. In our oldest clothes, dragging Sander along (not unimportant!) with a ladder (used to belong to my grandfather and still means of lot to me!) and this time the goal was to fill two buckets.
Guusje, as an experienced picker of 2 years and 9 months old, coordinated everything from atop the wooden ladder.
Final result: 10 jars of blackberry jam with a hint of lemon and
two coconut-blackberry pies.